Friday, September 8, 2017

Genius Hour!

Today we started something completely new in the classroom.  Both the children and I are learning as we go.  The concept of Genius Hour has been mentioned in almost every professional development that I attend.  So I finally decided to give it a whirl and if today was a measure, I would say it is a great fit for our classroom.

So what is Genius Hour?

So what does this look like in our classroom?

Well, today it looked like children playing on iPads and everyone very excited about it.  We actually decided we were going to do our first project today and focus on an animal.  This first project will be done as a whole class and we will not necessarily be solving any of the wonders of the world.  I wanted the children to feel comfortable with the process first.   We narrowed down our focus to sharks.  We then used the kid safe search engine KidRex.

The children were able to tell me MANY things that they learned from just this short time researching.  We will continue next week, collecting information and then organizing it.  After this project, we will be able to work on our own and pick our own "wonder." Stay tuned!